
Answer Keys

2008 calendar
Answer Keys
Study Tips
kinetics notes
kinetics notes (pdf)
Dyn Equm Notes
sol equm notes
acid base notes
echem notes

This page will (hopefully) contain answer keys to worksheets

if you have questions please e-mail me... type the question please my worksheets are at school!!



Note: for 2c and 2e - the reactions are ONLY spontaneous in acidic solution!





Acid Base Review KEY





Correction to #17: the square root sign got missed out!

x = SQRT 2.6e-6

pOH = 2.8328
pH = 11.17



Chemistry 12 Equilibrium Review – Part I and II

Part I

1) No macroscopic changes, forward and reverse rxns still occur
2) Dynamics => forward and reverse rxns are still occurring => NOT static
3) solid and liquid
4) Catalyst increase rate of rxn, establishes equm faster, has no effect on position of equm
5) Endothermic rxn consumes heat and Δ H is +
exothermic rxn produces heat and Δ H is -
6) Two factors that control equilibria are ENTHALPY and ENTROPY... four possible combinations of these are: 1) Enthalpy pushes forward & Entropy pushes forward => rxn goes to completion, 2) Enthalpy pushes forward & entropy pushes back => equm, 3) Enthalpy pushes back and entropy pushes forward => equm, 4) Enthalpy pushes back and entropy pushes back=> no rxn
7) Enthalpy pushes forward if rxn is EXOTHERMIC, enthalpy pushes back if rxn is ENDOTHERMIC, entropy pushes forward if rxn has largest # of most random phase on products side, entropy pushes back if rxn has largest # of most random phase on reactants side.
8) see your notes!!!!
9) see your notes & Hebden page 56!!!!
10) only temperature affects the value of Keq
11) Temp change:
endothermic temp incr => shift right => Keq incr,
endothermic temp decr => shift left => Keq decr
exothermic temp incr => shift left => Keq decr
exothermic temp decr => shift right => Keq incr
>Stoichiometric ratios - depends on rxn - ignore
>equation written in reverse => reciprocal since reactants and products switch places
>catalyst - no change
12) LARGE Keq => more products, less reactants, favours products, enthalpy more likely to be pushing forward...
SMALL Keq => less products, more reactants, favours reactants, enthalpy more likely to pushing backwards...

PART II - these are NOT questions - this is a LIST of quantitative skills you should have!


CHEM 12 TRUE/FALSE questions

1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F 6. F 7. T 8. T 9. F 10. F 11. T 12. T 13. F

Note for calculations: the sig figs may be incorrect so if that is all that is wrong with your answer don't panic!





Many of the answer keys will be gif or jpeg images