Study Tips
2008 calendar
Answer Keys
Study Tips
kinetics notes
kinetics notes (pdf)
Dyn Equm Notes
sol equm notes
acid base notes
echem notes

Studying for the Provincial Exam

1) Choose one or two exams from 1999-2002.
2) Split the exam up into the 5 units: kinetics, dynamic equilibrium, solubility equilibrium, acid-base, and electrochemistry.
3) Study the units one at a time by reading Hedbden and class notes, preparing study notes, and doing the Provincial questions for that unit.
4) When you have studied all five units separately, take a more recent exam 2003-2004, and try to do the exam under test conditions. Do ALL the questions BEFORE you mark the answers!
5) Do corrections for the exam you just attempted. Be sure to figure out what confused you - was it your understanding of the content, misreading the question, or a mathematical error.
6) Review areas of weakness that you found while doing the practice exam.
7) Do another exam from 2003-2004
8) Repeat the above process until your mark reaches AT LEAST the percentage that you have been getting for your unit tests! If you run out of the newer exams, there are lots of older exams, but bear in mind that these exams have fewer multiple choice questions!

Consider buying or borrowing a book on study habits, I recommend "Study Smarter Not Harder" by Kevin Paul ISBN 1-55180-059-4. This book has lots of tips on everything from time management to handling particular types of questions, and will help you with other examinable courses that you may decide to take in the future!